Publicaciones(23.171 resultados)
NECKEBROUCK, J., HUYGHE, A. (2019). Don't leave me now - Organizational responses to collective employee turnover. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Boston 2019 (pp. 18036). Academy of Management Proceedings.
IESE INSIGHT, (2019). The Big Picture. Business opportunities in smart cities. IESE Business School Insight (153).
IESE INSIGHT, (2019). Oportunidades de negocio en las ciudades inteligentes. IESE Business School Insight (153).
JACOB, M., MICHAELY, R., MÜLLER, M. A. (2019). Consumption taxes and corporate investment. The Review of Financial Studies, 32 (8), 3144-3182. doi:10.1093/rfs/hhy132.
KAPOOR, R., KLUETER, T. M. (2019). Unbundling and managing uncertainty surrounding emerging technologies. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
SIGLER, J., KLUETER, T. M., ANAND, J. (2019). Following the Herd? The Role of information in entering and exiting strategic factor markets. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Boston 2019. Academy of Management Proceedings.
MITCHELL, J., CASADESÚS-MASANELL, R., VROOM, G., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2019). WWF and Greenpeace: Two Strategies to Save the Arctic Ocean. IESE, SM-1677-E.
SALVADOR, J., RICART, J. E., TRILLAS, F., RODRÍGUEZ PLANAS, M. (2019). Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales y emisor submarino La Chira (Perú). IESE.
DUCH, A. I., RICART, J. E., BERRONE, P. (2019). La transformación de Medellín: hacia una sociedad urbana más equitativa, innovadora y participativa. IESE, SM-1681.
GIORGI, S., MAORET, M., ZAJAC, E. (2019). On the Relationship Between Firms and Their Legal Environment: The Role of Cultural Consonance. Organization Science, 30 (4), 647 - 867. doi:10.1287/orsc.2018.1250.
GONZÁLEZ, J. (2019). Segmentación de mercados. IESE, MN-400.
CHUN, R., ARGANDOÑA, A., CHOIRAT, C., SIEGEL, D. S. (2019). Corporate Reputation: Being Good and Looking Good. Business & Society, 58 (6), 1132 - 1142. doi:10.1177/0007650319826520.
HIRATA, G., ROCHA E OLIVEIRA, P. (2019). Lasting Effects of Promoting Literacy - Do When and How to Learn Matter? Education Economics, 27 (4), 339 - 357. doi:10.1080/09645292.2019.1597020.
FERRANDIZ, L., VILLANUEVA, J., BALMASEDA, C. (2019). UX: creando la mejor experiencia del usuario. IESE, MN-401.
OSUNA, I., ALEGRE, I., CANELA, M. Á. (2019). The Sales Trend at Guarini. IESE, AD-370-E.
TARZIJAN, J., KOLIATIC, M., RICART, J. E. (2019). Sky Airline: Business Model Transformation and Future Challenges. IESE, SM-1682-E.
RIBERA, A. (2019). Roller Coaster in Barcelona (B). IESE, DPO-451-E.
GALLO, I., GONZÁLEZ, J., CAPIZZANI, M., PANLILIO, L. (2019). and FileAway: Advertising in the Super Bowl. IESE, M-1374-E.
MELÉ, D., PASTOR, A. (2019). Review of the book Aquinas and the Market: Toward a Humane Economy by Mary L. Hirschfeld. Business Ethics Quarterly.
REICHE, S. (2019). Comment encourager la formation et l'épanouissement de profils internationaux? Focus RH, Paris.