Publicaciones(23.166 resultados)
ARGANDOÑA, A. (2019). Opportunità (e rischi) della Cina in Europa. Il Sole 24 Ore, Roma.
EJEPRIME, (2019). Javier Díaz-Giménez (Iese): "El populismo tiene un relato y sólo lo puedes frenar con otro mejor". EjePrime.
NUENO, P. (2019). Avanzando. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
ZAMORA, J. (2019). Managing AI Within a Digital Density Framework. In Jordi Canals, Franz Heukamp (Eds.) (Eds.), The Future of Management in an AI World: Redefining Purpose and Strategy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (pp. 205 - 235). Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan.
CANALS, J. (2019). Corporate Governance Insights #9: Business Roundtable moves corporate purpose forward.
GIURA, G., BRIZZI, F., CAPECCHI, G. (2019). L'ammnistrazione giudiziaria dei beni connessi alle attività economiche e delle aziende. In VV. AA. (Ed.), Compliance: Responsabilità da reato degli enti Collettivi (pp. 1772 - 1854). Madrid: Wolters Kluwer.
DURO, M., HEESE, J., ORMAZABAL, G. (2019). The Effect of Enforcement Transparency: Evidence from SEC Comment-Letter Reviews. Review of Accounting Studies, 24 (3), 780 - 823. doi:10.1007/s11142-019-09503-1.
LEE, Y.-T., RIBERA, A., ISAAC SASTRE BOQUET (2019). Gaudí and La Sagrada Familia: Leading Beyond Presence. IESE, DPO-424-E.
KOOPMAN, J., SCOTT, B. A., MATTA, F. K., CONLON, D. E., DENNERLEIN, T. (2019). Ethical leadership as a substitute for justice enactment. an information-processing perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104 (9), 1103 - 1116. doi:10.1037/apl0000403.
ACHARYA, V. V., EISERT, T., EUFINGER, C., HIRSCH, C. (2019). Whatever It Takes: The Real Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy. The Review of Financial Studies, 32 (9), 3366 - 3411. doi:10.1093/rfs/hhz005.
ALEGRE, I., BERBEGAL-MIRABENT, J., GUERRERO, A. (2019). Mission Statements: What University Research Parks Tell Us About Timing. Journal of Business Strategy, 40 (5), 46 - 53. doi:10.1108/JBS-11-2018-0191.
VILLANUEVA J., J., BALMASEDA, C., GONZÁLEZ, J. (2019). Caesar's Entertainment: apostando por la inteligencia artificial. IESE, M-1373.
RICART I COSTA, J. E., TAPIA PAGÈS, A., CARENZO, M. (2019). Glovo 1.0. Launching a New Business Model in the Ultra-Competitive Last-Mile Delivery Landscape. IESE, SM-1683-E.
TAPIA PAGÈS, A., CARENZO, M., RICART, J. E. (2019). Glovo 2.0. Pivoting to a new Business Model. IESE, SM-1684-E.
SUSAETA ERBURU, L., PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R. (2019). Gianni Donati en Panaro Co. (A). IESE, DPO-457.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., SUSAETA ERBURU, L. (2019). Gianni Donati en Panero Co. (B). IESE, DPO-458.
MILLER, M., BRION, S. (2019). Erroneous Cues of Leadership: Implications for Leadership Emergence and Leadership Selection. IESE, DPON-153-E.
IESE INSIGHT, (2019). IESE Business School Insight 153. Las oficinas del futuro.
IESE INSIGHT, (2019). Las oficinas del futuro: cómo están cambiando los espacios de trabajo y su efecto en el negocio inmobiliario. IESE Business School Insight (153), pp. 6 - 31.
STREMERSCH, S. (2019). Inspire, diverge, converge: 3 steps to better decisions. IESE Business School Insight (153), pp. 62 - 69.