Publicaciones(23.163 resultados)
NUENO, P. (2019). Supermaneando. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2019). Sabiduría infantil. Expansión, Madrid.
VIVES, X. (2019). Digital Disruption in Banking. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 11, 243 - 272. doi:10.1146/annurev-financial-100719-120854.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R. (2019). El cupo catalán que perseguirá ERC. El Economista, Barcelona.
PASTOR, A. (2019). The problem with pensions in France. IESEconomics.
MAS, N. (2019). 6 charts to understand the global economy now. IESEconomics.
CALVO, E., CUI, R., SERPA, J. C. (2019). Oversight and Efficiency in Public Projects: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis. Management Science, 65 (12), 5651 - 5675. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2018.3202.
DONNELLY, K., MCKENZIE, C. R. M., MÜLLER-TREDE, J. (2019). Do Publications in Low-Impact Journals Help or Hurt a CV? JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-APPLIED, 25 (4), 744 - 752. doi:10.1037/xap0000228.
VÉLEZ-PEREIRA, A. M., DE LINARES, C., CANELA, M. Á., BELMONTE, J. (2019). Logistic regression models for predicting daily airborne Alternaria
and Cladosporium concentration levels in Catalonia (NE Spain). International Journal of Biometeorology, 63 (12), 1541 - 1553. doi:10.1007/s00484-019-01767-1.
ROUSSEAU, H. E., BERRONE, P., GELABERT, L. (2019). Localizing Sustainable Development Goals: Nonprofit Density and City Sustainability. Academy of Management Discoveries, 5 (4), 487 - 513. doi:10.5465/amd.2018.0151.
MITCHELL, J., BERRONE, P., SIGURJONSSON, T. O. (2019). Icelandair (A): una saga de 80 años. IESE, SM-1687.
MITCHELL, J., BERRONE, P., SIGURJONSSON, T. O. (2019). Icelandair (B): la saga continúa. IESE, SM-1688.
MITCHELL, J., BERRONE, P., SIGURJONSSON, T. O. (2019). Icelandair (C): Y ahora, ¿WOW? IESE, SM-1689.
NUENO, J. L. (2019). Ametller Origen: más allá del retail. IESE, M-1376.
FITÉ, R. M., NUENO P., P., MEHTA, K. (2019). A Leader Committed to People and Innovation. IESE, EN-24-E.
JANÉ, J. (2019). HP 3D Printing. IESE, P-1178.
JANÉ, J. (2019). HP 3D Printing (A). IESE, P-1179.
JANÉ, J. (2019). HP 3D Printing (B). IESE, P-1180.
JANÉ, J. (2019). HP 3D Printing (C). IESE, P-1181.
JANÉ, J. (2019). HP 3D Printing (D). IESE, P-1182.