Publicaciones(23.163 resultados)
MOREIRA, S., KLUETER, T. M., TASSELLI, S. (2020). When licensing new tech is better than building it in-house. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles.
PASTOR, A. (2020). Transformaciones. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
NUENO, P. (2020). Regulando. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2020). La respuesta nos retrata. Expansión, Madrid.
PASTOR, A. (2020). Retorn a la indústria. Ara, Barcelona.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R. (2020). De ERTE en ERTE y ERE porque me toca. El Español, Madrid.
CANALS, J. (2020). Jordi Canals: "Los políticos deberían bajarse el sueldo como muestra de solidaridad". El Mundo (edición nacional), Madrid, España.
STEIN, G. (2020). La anormalidad de la Nueva normalidad. El Diario, Madrid.
FERRARO, F. (2020). Corporate Governance Insights #18: Can Boards Afford Purpose and Sustainability During the Pandemic?.
ERTUG, G., MAORET, M. (2020). Do coaches in the National Basketball Association actually display racial bias?. A Replication and Extension. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6 (2), 206-234. doi:10.5465/amd.2018.0091.
NECKEBROUCK, J., HUYGHE, A. (2020). Work life in lockdown: employee wellbeing during COVID-19.
GOLDFARB, A., SAMILA, S., SILVERMAN, B. S. (2020). COVID, On-premise retail format, and product-market concentration. Covid Economics: vetted and real-time papers (32), pp. 127-147. London.
VACCARO, A. (2020). Social innovation and social enterprise. Bridging through fixing business and society. 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020, Hamburg.
TRIPATHI, S., KYRIAKOU, H. (2020). To Share or not to share?. Understanding the impact of policy changes in sharing economy using a quasi-natural experiment. In SCECR (Ed.), SCECR, Madrid (June 2020).
KOUTROUMPIS , P., LEIPONEN, A., THOMAS, L. D. W. (2020). Markets for data. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29 (3), 645–660. doi:10.1093/icc/dtaa002.
GÓMEZ, M., IVCHENKO, A., REUTSKAJA, E., SOTO-MOTA, P. (2020). Behaviors, perceptions and mental wellbeing in high-income and low/middle-income countries at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic. In Djankov, Simeon and Panizza, Ugo (Eds.), COVID-19 in developing economies (pp. 128-146). London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
LAS HERAS, M., BARRAZA, M., ROFCANIN, Y. (2020). Trabajo en remoto en condiciones extraordinarias (COVID-19).
LAS HERAS, M., BARRAZA, M., ROFCANIN, Y. (2020). Remote working under extraordinary conditions (COVID-19).
ELVIRA, M. (2020). Leaps of Ffaith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020, Hamburg.
RICART, J. E., CARENZO, M., TAPIA, A. (2020). Glovo - Teaching Note. From Startup to Unicorn. IESE, SMT-138-E.