Publicaciones(23.163 resultados)
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R. (2020). La difícil fusión de Bankia. El Español, Madrid.
STEIN, G. (2020). El chivo expiatorio o la ejemplaridad del gobernante. El Diario, Madrid.
STEIN, G. (2020). De un golpe de vista. El Diario, Madrid.
PASTOR, A. (2020). Gran oportunitat, encara no perduda. Ara, Barcelona.
PASTOR, A. (2020). Gran oportunidad, aún no perdida. Ara, Barcelona.
PASTOR, A. (2020). Los fondos de Robinson. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
ARIÑO, M. A. (2020). Estrategia, aprendizaje y entusiasmo. Expansión, Barcelona.
GKEREDAKIS, M. (2020). Unpacking the moral dimensions of crowd-based organizing. Academy of Management Proceedings.
VIVES, X. (2020). Was wird Covid-19 mit dem Bankensektor machen? Tageblatt, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
REICHE, S. (2020). Comment s'adapter à la nouvelle normalité. Les Echos Business.
PASTOR, A. (2020). Principles or practical rules? IESEconomics.
VACCARO, A. (2020). Integrity management for the common good.
TRIPATHI, S., KYRIAKOU, H. (2020). To Share or not to share?. Assessing the impact of self-regulation on a peer-to-peer market. AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
BURGELMAN, R. A., SNIHUR, Y., THOMAS, L. D. W. (2020). How successive CEOs animate the process of organizational becoming. A Meso-level analysis. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
VANDEWEGHE, L., SHARAPOV, D., THOMAS, L. D. W. (2020). The Art of swinging. How boundary-spanning units change boundary positions. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
LAS HERAS, M., CHINCHILLA, N., GRAU, M. (2020). The New ideal worker. Organizations between work-life balance, gender and leadership. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
BONET, R., ELVIRA, M., VISINTIN, S. (2020). Hiring temps but losing perms?. The Effects of temporary hiring on turnover in a dual labor market. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Leaps of faith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Leaps of faith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. 115st ASA Annual Meeting Virtual, San Francisco CA.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Leaps of Faith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. 80st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.