Publicaciones(23.163 resultados)
ORMAZABAL, G., JOCHEM, T., RAJAMANI, A. (2020). Why have CEO pay levels become less diverse?.
MORAIS, B., ORMAZABAL, G., PEYDRO, J. L., ROA, M., SARMIENTO, M. (2020). Forward looking loan provisions. Credit supply and risk-taking.
CANALS, J., HEUKAMP, F. (2020). The Future of management in an AI world. Redefining purpose and strategy in the fourth industrial revolution. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
WOIKE, J. K., HAFENBRÄDL, S. (2020). Rivals without a cause? Relative performance feedback creates destructive competition despite aligned incentives. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33 (4), 523-537. doi:10.1002/bdm.2162.
WEHRHEIM, D., DALAY, H. D., FOSFURI, A., HELMERS, C. (2020). How mixed ownership affects decision making in turbulent times: Evidence from the digital revolution in telecommunications. Journal of Corporate Finance, 64, Article 101626. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2020.101626.
OUTILA, V., MIHAILOVA, I., REICHE, S., PIEKKARI, R. (2020). A Communicative perspective on the trust-control link In Russia. Journal of World Business, 55 (6), Article 100971. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2018.11.001.
BERBEGAL-MIRABENT, J., ALEGRE, I., GUERRERO, A. (2020). Mission statements and performance. an exploratory study of science parks. Long Range Planning, 53 (5), Article 101932. doi:
VACCARO, A. (2020). Artificial intelligence and social entrepreneurship. Exploring intersections for societal impact.
SALVADOR, C. E., BERG, M. K., YU, Q., SAN MARTÍN, Á., KITAYAMA, S. (2020). Relational mobility predicts faster spread of COVID-19. A 39-country study. PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 31 (10), 1236–1244. doi:10.1177/0956797620958118.
CUÑAT, V., GINÉ, M., GUADALUPE, M. (2020). Price and probability. Decomposing the takeover effects of anti‐takeover provisions. Journal of Finance, 75 (5), 2591-2629. doi:10.1111/jofi.12908.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2020). La paradoja del cambio. Expansión, Madrid.
PASTOR, A. (2020). ¿Adónde voy? La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
ARGANDOÑA, A. (2020). Nueva colaboración público-privada. El Periódico, Barcelona.
MAS, N., VALL, J., FUNDACIÓN GALATEA, COL.LEGI OFICIAL DE METGES DE BARCELONA (2020). Impacto de la Covid-19 sobre la salud de los profesionales sanitarios.
CALIGIURI, M., VACCARO, A. (2020). Responsabilità e disfattismo, cosa dobbiamo all’Italia. Formiche (162).
NUENO, P. (2020). Dirigiendo con velocidad. Barcelona: Plataforma Editorial.
PASTOR, A. (2020). Una sordera oportuna. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2020). Nadal y nosotros. Expansión, Madrid.
REICHE, S. (2020). How Compassion Can Benefit Your Business. Forbes.
CALIGIURI, M., VACCARO, A. (2020). Responsabilità e disfattismo, cosa dobbiamo all’Italia. Il commento di Caligiuri e Vaccaro. Formiche.