Publicaciones(23.163 resultados)
OLIVER, X. (2020). Escuchar y observar. Diari de Tarragona, España.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2020). Cuestión de carácter. Expansión, Madrid.
NUENO, P. (2020). Mejorando. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
VIVES, X. (2020). Madrid i la fiscalitat a Espanya. Ara, Barcelona.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R. (2020). Madrid tras la Ley Celáa: ¿hub universitario anglo-español? El Español, Madrid.
NEELEY, T., REICHE, S. (2020). Downward deference. Yielding to subordinates in global work. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management.
SACKMANN, S., ADLER, N., REICHE, S. (2020). Dealing with the pandemic. Learnings across nations from culturally informed leadership. 46th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy. European International Business Academy.
RICART, J. E., BERRONE, P., GIULIODORI, A., ROUSSEAU, H. E. (2020). How can managementsScholarship help organizations achieve sustainable development goals?. A Process based appoach. EURAM 2020: The Business of now: the future starts here.
AMIT, R., ZOTT, C. (2020). Business model innovation strategy. Transformational concepts and tools for entrepreneurial leaders. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
BERMEJO, V. J., CAMPA, J. M., CAMPOS, R., ZAKRIYA, M. (2020). Do foreign stocks substitute for international diversification? European Financial Management, 26 (5), 1191-1223. doi:10.1111/eufm.12275.
PODOYNITSYNA, K., SNIHUR, Y., THOMAS, L. D. W., GRÉGOIRE, D. (2020). Creating meta-narratives. How analogies and metaphors support business model innovation. In Sund, K. J., Galavan, R. J., and M. Bogers (Eds.), Business models and cognition (pp. 135-167). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
HUETE, L. M. (2020). Lloverán diamantes. IPG Mediabrands, el renacimiento emprendedor de una compañía que estuvo adormecida. Harvard Deusto Business Review (305).
ALEGRE, I. (2020). Conditioning the effect of prize on tournament self-selection. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual.
VALENTÍ VIDAL, A., GONZÁLEZ, J., ERNEST MENDOZA (2020). The Captor Opportunity. IESE, M-1380-E.
VALENTÍ VIDAL, A., GONZÁLEZ, J., ERNEST MENDOZA (2020). La oportunidad Captor. IESE, M-1380.
SIMON J., J. (2020). AB InBev, Valuation - Teaching Note. IESE, FT-117-E.
SIMON J., J. (2020). AB InBev, Cost of Capital - Teaching Note. IESE, FT-116-E.
GALLO, Í., VALENTÍ VIDAL, A., SEGARRA, J. (2020). Web Analytics: Demystifying Performance Marketing. IESE, MN-406-E.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Temporary employment, precarity trap in low-paying jobs, and wage inequality. 13th Annual People and Organizations Conference. Virtual.
GONZÁLEZ, J., SENDAGORTA, P. (2020). Guía rápida para los modelos de negocio direct to consumer. Harvard Deusto Márketing & Ventas (164).