Publicaciones(22.721 resultados)
LAS HERAS, M., CHINCHILLA, N., GRAU, M. (2020). The New ideal worker. Organizations between work-life balance, gender and leadership. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
BONET, R., ELVIRA, M., VISINTIN, S. (2020). Hiring temps but losing perms?. The Effects of temporary hiring on turnover in a dual labor market. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Leaps of faith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Leaps of faith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. 115st ASA Annual Meeting Virtual, San Francisco CA.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Leaps of Faith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. 80st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
NGUYEN THIEN, P., RAES, A., LEE, Y.-T. (2020). How do we find meaningfulness in work?. A Process theory based on the dialogic practice. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020 (pp. 19346). Academy of Management Proceedings.
BOCKEN, N., SNIHUR, Y. (2020). Lean Startup and the business model. Experimenting for novelty and impact. Long Range Planning, 53 (4), Article 101953. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2019.101953.
MORENO-SALAMANCA, A., PINZON, C. (2020). Liderazgo positivo y propósito empresarial. Cinco factores clave. En Moreno-Salamanca, A. y Pinzón Rios, C.P. (Eds.), Dirección empresarial ¿Cómo navegar en tiempos de crisis? (pp. 237). Universidad de la Sabana.
MORENO-SALAMANCA, A., PINZON, C. (2020). Dirección empresarial ¿Cómo navegar en tiempos de crisis?. Universidad de la Sabana.
SACCHETTO, S. (2020). Surfing the cycle. Cyclical investment opportunities and firms' risky financial assets. 47th Annual Meeting (European Finance Association): Virtual.
KLUETER, T. M. (2020). Breaking the routine. How attention and rare experiences overcome local search in external technology sourcing. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: A Virtual Experience.
WAEGER, D., HAFENBRÄDL, S. (2020). An agenda setting model of stakeholder influence. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
MOREIRA, S., KLUETER, T. M., TASSELLI, S. (2020). Competition, Technology Licensing-in, and Innovation. Organization Science, 31 (4), 1012-1036. doi:10.1287/orsc.2019.1337.
PEETERS, C., ZOTT, C. (2020). Aparkalo (A): Dynamizing a Sleepy Industry. IESE, E-208-E.
PEETERS, C., ZOTT, C. (2020). Aparkalo (C): Normal Crisis or Sudden Death? IESE, E-210-E.
TALAMÀS VILARDAGA, E., VOHRA, R. (2020). Free and perfectly safe but only partially effective vaccines can harm everyone. Games and Economic Behavior, 122, 277 - 289. doi:10.1016/j.geb.2020.05.001.
PEETERS, C., ZOTT, C. (2020). Aparkalo (B): Revised Business Plan. IESE, E-209-E.
NANDA, R., SAMILA, S., SORENSON, O. (2020). The Persistent effect of initial success. Evidence from venture capital. Journal of Financial Economics, 137 (1), 231-248. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2020.01.004.
BLAZQUEZ, M. L., MASCLANS, R., CANALS, J. (2020). Las competencias profesionales del futuro: un diagnóstico y un plan de acción para promover el empleo juvenil después de la COVID-19.
BAYONA, A., BRANDTS, J., VIVES, X. (2020). Information Frictions and Market Power. A Laboratory Study. Games and Economic Behavior, 122, 354-369. doi:10.1016/j.geb.2020.04.014.