Publicaciones(23.162 resultados)
DÍAZ GIMÉNEZ, J. (2020). Which economies will grow again in 2021? IESEconomics.
IESE INSIGHT, (2020). IESE Business School Insight, 157. El Pacto Verde.
IESE INSIGHT, (2020). El Pacto Verde. Por qué los estímulos verdes son la llave de la recuperación. IESE Business School Insight (157), pp. 8-32.
ZUNINO, D., GRODAL, S., SUÁREZ, F. F. (2020). Cómo lanzar nuevos productos para llegar al mercado de masas. IESE Business School Insight (157), pp. 68-75.
ZHU, W., YANG, W. (2020). Repensar las cadenas de suministro tras la COVID-19. IESE Business School Insight (157), pp. 56-63.
STEIN G., G., STEIN, J. (2020). Ambar: de un modelo gremial al abogado líquido. IESE, DPO-730.
STEIN G., G., STEIN, J. (2020). Ambar: From a Guild Mentality to "Liquid Lawyers". IESE, DPO-730-E.
ZHU, W., YANG, W. (2020, Winter). Rethinking supply chains after COVID-19. IESE Business School Insight (157), pp. 56-63.
IESE INSIGHT, (2020). Purpose drives performance. IESE Business School Insight (157), pp. 64-67.
ZUNINO, D., GRODAL, S., SUÁREZ, F. F. (2020). New product launch strategy. Mix novelty and familiarity to move from niche to mainstream. IESE Business School Insight (157), pp. 68-75.
DRECHSLER, K., GREGORY, R., WAGNER, H. -T., TUMBAS, S. (2020). At the crossroads between digital innovation and digital transformation. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47 (1), 521-538. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04723.
DUSHNITSKY, G., E. GRAEBNER, M., ZOTT, C. (2020). Entrepreneurial responses to crisis. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14 (4), 537-548. doi:10.1002/sej.1383.
PARMAR, R., LEIPONEN, A., THOMAS, L. D. W. (2020). Building an organizational digital twin. Business Horizons, 63 (6), 725-736. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2020.08.001.
REUTSKAJA, E., IYENGAR, S., FASOLO, B., MISURACA, R. (2020). Cognitive and affective consequences of information and choice overload. In Viale, Riccardo (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Bounded Rationality. Routledge.
MIRUSACA, R., REUTSKAJA, E., FASOLO, B., IYENGAR, S. (2020). How much choice is “good enough”?. Moderators of information and choice overload. In Viale, Riccardo (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Bounded Rationality. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E., SAGARRA, M. (2020). Riverside: la compra de Euromed. Proceso inversor de una private equity. IESE, F-962.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E., SAGARRA, M. (2020). Riverside: The Acquisition of Euromed. Investment Process of a Private Equity. IESE, F-962-E.
VILAPLANA, F., STEIN G., G. (2020). El liderazgo humanista en la era de la digitalización. La persona, cliente incluido, en el centro. IESE, DPON-349.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E. (2020). Riverside: The Acquisition of Euromed - Teaching Note. IESE, FT-119-E.
IESE INSIGHT, (2020). The Big Picture. How to flourish in your career. IESE Business School Insight (157).