Publicaciones(23.162 resultados)
TRUONG, Y., MAZLOOMI, H., BERRONE, P. (2021). Understanding the impact of symbolic and substantive environmental actions on organizational reputation. Industrial Marketing Management, 92, 307-320. doi:
PALOMERAS, N., WEHRHEIM, D. (2021). The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations. Strategic Management Journal, 42 (1), 144-169. doi:
CHENG, J. T., ANDERSON, C., TENNEY, E. R., BRION, S., MOORE, D. A., LOGG, J. M. (2021). The Social transmission of overconfidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, 150 (1), 157-186. doi:
RODRÍGUEZ-LLUESMA, C., GARCÍA, P., PINTO-GARAY, J. (2021). The Digital transformation of work. A relational view. Business Ethics: A European Review, 30 (1), 157-167. doi:10.1111/beer.12323.
SMULOWITZ, S. J., ALMANDOZ, J. (2021). Predicting employee wrongdoing. The complementary effect of CEO option pay and the pay gap. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 162, 123-135. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2020.10.018.
SETOLA, R., ASSENZA, G., VACCARO, A. (2021). Complessità, intelligenza artificiale e infrastrutture critiche. Società Italiana di Intelligence.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). 2021: recuperación en forma de K, tipos de interés bajos y acuerdo del 'brexit'. IESEconomics, Barcelona.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). 2021 outlook: a K-shaped recovery, strong euro, cheap credit and five more things to watch. IESEconomics, Barcelona.
PPSRC, IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL, (2021). III Conference on Competition and Regulation in the Telecommunications Market: The Impact of 5G on EU Competitiveness. IESE, OP-624-E.
MASSA SALUZZO, F., ALEGRE, I. (2021). Supporting entrepreneurs. The role of third-party endorsement in crowdfunding platforms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162, Article 120402. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120402.
HARZING, A. -W., REICHE, S., PUDELKO, M. (2021). Intercultural survey research. Challenges and suggested solutions. In Guttormsen, David S. A.; Lauring, Jakob and Chapman, Malcolm (Eds.), Field guide to intercultural research (pp. 29-40). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
MASCLANS, R., CANALS, J. (2021). Ingka in 2020. Corporate Governance, Purpose and Transformation. IESE, SM-1698-E.
ELVIRA, M., VILLAMOR, M. (2021). Un viaje transformador en tiempos inciertos (A). IESE, DPO-733.
MULLER, P., FONTRODONA, J. (2021). Economía circular: una revolución en marcha. Cuaderno 48 de la Cátedra CaixaBank. IESE.
LAS HERAS, M. (2021). Mejorar nuestro bienestar adoptando una actitud lúdica en el trabajo. Harvard Deusto Business Review (307), pp. 32-33.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2021). Las conversaciones que no tenemos. Filosofía del encuentro. Barcelona: Plataforma Editorial.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S., GARCÍA-LOMBARDÍA, P., BIEGER, C. (2021). El reto de la Formación Profesional en España. Fundación ATRESMEDIA .
GIUSEPPE GIURA,, VACCARO, A. (2021). Premià de Dalt (A). Privatization in the Name of Security? IESE, BE-208-E.
GIUSEPPE GIURA,, VACCARO, A. (2021). Premià de Dalt (B). Privatization in the Name of Security? IESE, BE-209-E.
GIUSEPPE GIURA,, VACCARO, A. (2021). Premià de Dalt (A and B). Privatization in the Name of Security? IESE, BET-25-E.