Publicaciones(23.162 resultados)
NOTARIO, E., DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2021). Chick-fil-A: Sandwiches and Culture Wars (B). IESE, DPO-736-E.
NOTARIO, E., DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2021). Chick-fil-A: Bocadillos y guerras culturales (B). IESE, DPO-736.
MASCLANS, R., CANALS, J. (2021). PromoFarma 2018. IESE, SM-1692-E.
GARCÍA-CASTRO, R. (2021). Swedbank. IESE, AD-376-E.
LLADÓ, M. (2021). Falling in love with the future. It's about writing it, not reading it. Barcelona: Plataforma Editorial.
DE CÁRDENAS, C., SANCHO, C. (2021). Sociedades mercantiles (II). Órganos sociales, modificación de estatutos y modificaciones estructurales. IESE, JN-45.
FERRARO F., F., PATHAK, R. (2021). The Responsible Investing Landscape: From SRI Through ESG to IMPACT. IESE, SMN-704-E.
VROOM, G., MARIBEL BERGES, SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2021). New Immuno-Oncology Solutions (NIOS) - Teaching Note. Aligning stakeholders in the biotech industry. IESE, SMT-136-E.
ROSZKOWSKA, P., MELÉ, D. (2021). Organizational factors in the individual ethical behaviour. The Notion of the "Organizational Moral Structure". Humanistic Management Journal, 6, 187-209. doi:10.1007/s41463-020-00080-z.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). The Big Picture: CEOs on what they’ve learned after a year of COVID-19. IESE Business School Insight (158).
FERRARO F., F., PATHAK, R. (2021). El panorama de la inversión responsable: de la ISR a la inversión ASG y la de impacto. IESE, SMN-704.
SNIHUR, Y., LAMINE, W., WRIGHT, M. (2021). Educating engineers to develop new business models. Exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities in technology-based firms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 164, Article 119518. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2018.11.011.
SUÁREZ, J. L. (2021). Setting the tariff for the electricity sector. IESE, F-961-E.
SACCHETTO, S., HUANG, T. (2021). Surfing the cycle. Cyclical investment opportunities and firms' risky financial assets. Midwest Finance Association 70th Annual Meeting: Virtual meeting.
FRASCHINI, M., SOMOZA, L., TERRACCIANO, T. (2021). Central Bank digital currency and balance sheet policy. 14th Financial Risks International Forum: online.
TERRACCIANO, T., FRASCHINI, M. (2021). FX hedging, currency choice, and the international role of the US dollar. Research Seminars 2021 (Institute of Economics and Econometrics).
NECKEBROUCK, J., MEULEMAN, M., MANIGART, S. (2021). Governance Implications of Attracting External Equity Investors In Private Family Firms. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35 (1), 25-44. doi:
PROAÑO VICENTE, Á., ELVIRA, M. (2021). El papel del consejo de administración en la transformación digital: una hoja de ruta. IESE.
GENC, Y., KYRIAKOU, H. (2021). Diffusion of blockchain based innovations. An informational cascades perspective.
RIBERA A., A., CIRASOLA, L., PLAMENOVA DJOUROVA, N. (2021). Validation of a Personality Assessment Tool (TCI-R) in a Cross-cultural Sample of Young Managers (WP-1304-E). Barcelona: IESE.