Ayudas financieras(148 resultados)
Budesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr
A limited number of scholarships for tuition fees and living expenses are available for students from the Budesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr. Interested students in the Postgraduate-Stipendium should contact the International office at the university in Austria in which they studied or the Ministry.
Bodossakis Foundation
Scholarships are available for post-graduate study both within or outside of Greece.
Becas Magdalena O. VDA de Brockmann, A.C.
The mission of Becas Magdelena is to provide financial support for post-graduate studies at prestigious universities abroad. Several scholarships are available for Mexican students.
Bank of China, Personal Loan
Foreign Exchange Loan for Studying Abroad The borrower can only use the loan for the tuition fees, living expenses for studying abroad with approval in foreign middle schools or universities, and pursuing master’s degree or doctor’s degree, or for obtaining relevant credit certification. In principle, the maximum limit of loan is not allowed to be over 90% of the total amount of the tuition fees and living expenses of students and accompanying persons.
Bank of Bermuda Foundation Eldon H Trimingham Business Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies
$30,000 per annum for up to two years to a graduate student who is proceeding with a postgraduate programme in business studies.
Bank of Bermuda Foundation
The Foundation has set up three trusts through which it organizes its charitable giving and scholarships. Several scholarships are available for Bermudans who want to pursue post-graduate studies outside of Bermuda.
Bank Austria Creditanstalt
IESE Business School is a recognized institution for the Postgraduate Loan Scheme offered to Austrian students by Creditanstalt.
Banco de México
The Mexican National Bank (Banco de México) provides special loans for Mexican students who wish to undertake a postgraduate study program.
Austrian Database for Scholarships and Grants
Comprehensive database gives information including application details, conditions, duration, allocation and financing for Austrians wishing to study abroad. Site is regularly updated by the Austrian Exchange Service and by grant-awarding institutions.
ANSA (Association of Norwegian Students Abroad)
ANSA – Association of Norwegian Students Abroad – is a non-profit and independent organization voicing the interests of Norwegian students who study abroad. ANSA was founded by Norwegian students in order to provide assistance with the rules and regulations governing Norwegian student grants and loans.
Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation
The Foundation has established a program of scholarships awarded to Greeks for postgraduate studies, including an MBA, outside of Greece.
Aga Khan Foundation
The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant / 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July.
MBA – Research Scholars in Training
The IESE International Foundation has created the MBA Scholarship Program as a way to encourage international talent and also to attract young accomplished professionals. To this end, the Scholarship program is particularly geared towards two demographics: students with both financial need and promising talent, and bright students from developing countries who would potentially return home with their newly acquired knowledge and insights.
Fundación Tripartita *Permiso Individual de Formación
Companies can finance courses including executive education for their employees through discounts received in Social Security payments. Employees must, however, be registered in Social Security.
Canadian Loans
The Government of Canada and most provincial and regional governments work in partnership to deliver federal and provincial student loan and grant programs. Each student needs to apply to his/her province of residence.
Fundación Rafael del Pino
The Rafael del Pino Foundation offers scholarships to Spanish students pursuing graduate degrees in business in Spain (Advanced Management and Strategic Management and Social Leadership Programs mainly).
PhD – Research Scholars in Training
IESE International Foundation support and encourage students enrolled in internationally renowned Spanish business schools to develop their skills in two main areas: research and teaching. The duration of the scholarship is one year, renewable on a yearly basis for up to four years
Scholarship for savers
The Scholarship for savers (Beca para ahorradores) is for those students who manage to make ends meet with little money. The 3 scholarships include a monthly financial aid of 300€ for a whole year. Another 12,000 scholarships for the whole world: http://www.european-funding-guide.eu/
Fundación la Caixa
La Caixa Foundation has set up a programme of 20 scholarships for PhD students.