Compliance Channel
An open channel for concerns and compliance
IESE is committed to promoting, upholding and encouraging the best policies, ethical standards and practices to ensure that laws are respected and misconduct is avoided. For that reason, IESE makes available this reporting channel, which allows anyone in our community, in a confidential and anonymous way, to come forward to report concerns about irregular activities or misconduct.
Easy, anonymous and confidential
What can I report?
Any IESE employee, participant or community member can use our Compliance Channel to report in a confidential and anonymous way any concerns, practices or non-compliance related to the following areas:
- Conduct that may violate laws (for example, possible corruption) or other regulations, which is occurring in relationship to IESE activities.
- Any concern or conduct related to money laundering at IESE.
- Conduct that breaches or fails to meet norms, objectives and ethical principles contained in IESE’s internal governance codes.
- Conduct that entails the risk or suspicion of workplace harassment and/or sexual harassment, involving people belonging to the IESE community.
- Conflicts of interest.
- Other conduct or behavior that may pose a serious risk to IESE’s corporate responsibility or reputation.
Legal Guarantees and Obligations
In compliance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, IESE has implemented an internal reporting system, which is the preferred channel for individuals to report information obtained in a work or professional context on any of the actions or omissions referred to in article 2 of the Law, mainly criminal offenses, serious or very serious administrative offenses, and infringements of European Union Law.
The confidentiality of the informant’s data is guaranteed throughout the process of management of the information. The Act prohibits acts constituting retaliation against persons making a disclosure in good faith, including threats and attempts of retaliation.