Public-Private Sector Research Center (PPSRC)
Director: Xavier Vives
The main objective of the Public-Private Sector Research Center, created in 2001, is to advance the knowledge and understanding of the dynamics, impacts and best practices related to collaborations between the public and private sectors. The center encourages research to develop effective policies and strategies to promote successful partnerships between both sectors.
The center’s researchers exhaustively explore and analyze various models of public-private collaboration, identifying critical success factors, challenges and lessons learned. Research findings are disseminated through academic publications, events and collaborations with key actors in government and business.
In its practical scope, the PPSRC acts as a forum for dynamic exchange between researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs and public actors. Likewise, it plays a role as an observatory for civil society, facilitating the exchange of ideas and encouraging citizen participation in the analysis of the needs of public-private collaborations as a tool to solve current critical problems.
In its mission to catalyze innovation and continuous improvement in joint projects between the public and private sectors, as well as to contribute to the economic and social development of cities, the PPSRC promotes two international initiatives: the PPP for Cities, dedicated to public-private collaboration in the field of Smart Cities and the International Economic Forum in Logistics (IEFL), a think-tank dedicated to logistics reflection.
- Contribute to academic excellence, the practical application of findings and the contribution to the development of effective policies and practices in the field of public-private collaborations.
- To create and disseminate knowledge on the interaction between the public and private sectors, as well as to provide a meeting point for the exchange of opinions and debate.
- Regulation and Competition: We focus on the study of regulated sectors such as telecommunications, media, energy, financial markets and health. Through in-depth analysis, we identify the regulatory and competitive dynamics that influence public-private collaborations, providing valuable insights for policy and strategy development.
- Innovation and New Technologies: Our research addresses the impact of public-private collaborations on innovation, with special emphasis on new technologies and patents. We explore how these partnerships can drive the adoption of innovations and contribute to technological progress in various sectors.
- Regional Economy and Industrial Policy: We emphasize the location of economic activity and business headquarters, exploring the relationship between public-private collaborations, regional economy and industrial policy. This line of research seeks to understand how these associations affect the geographical distribution of economic activity and industrial strategies.
Reference Documents.
- Reptes i prioritats per als programes electorals enfront de les eleccions municipals de 2023 a Barcelona i l’RMB. Desembre de 2022
- Reptes del nou Govern i la política d’infraestructures a la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. Juliol de 2021
- Fons NGEU. Set eixos per impulsar l’economia de la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. Gener de 2021
- La respuesta de Barcelona a la crisis de la COVID-19 Propuestas económicas de 26 economistas. Junio 2020
- Resposta de Barcelona a la crisi de la COVID-19
Report of the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 focused on the Catalan educational system and the rest of Spain:
Spanish Reform Monitor Reports:
Press Articles:
- El final del curs PISA: què hem après i què s’ha fet després de l’informe?, Diari Ara, Junio 2024
- Barcelona es el gran proyecto, La Vanguardia, Enero 2023
- ¿Oportunidad perdida? Barcelona encalla en su salto adelante, La Vanguardia – Enero, 2023
- “Ens cal menys toxto i més capital humà”, Diari Ara
- La sociedad civil pide un pacto entre el sector público y el privado en Barcelona, La Vanguardia
- Collboni espera para Barcelona de 1.500 a 2.500 millones de fondos europeos, La Vanguardia
- Expertos apuestan por gestionar los fondos europeos con gobernanza metropolitana, The New Barcelona Post
- Resumen de prensa 09/02/21
- Economía y el Gobierno que necesita Catalunya, Expansión
Opinion Articles:
- 2015-2016
- 2014-2015
- 2013-2014
- 2012-2013
- 2011-2012
- 2010-2011
- 2009-2010
- 2008-2009
- 2007-2008
- 2006-2007
- 2005-2006
Conferences & Activities.
- September 22, 2021 / Online
IV Conference on Competition and Regulation in the Telecommunications Market (Vídeo)
Summary and transcripts of the Conference (English Version) - March 13, 2020 / Brussels, Belgium
III Conference on Competition and Regulation in the Telecommunications Market
Summary and transcripts of the Conference (English Version) - October 24, 2018 / Madrid, Spain
II Conferencia sobre Regulación y Competencia en el Mercado de las
Telecomunicaciones - Summary of the Conference. Jornada de Regulación y Competencia en el Mercado de Telecomunicaciones
- November 19, 2019 / Barcelona, Spain
II International Conference in Smart Logistics.
Urban toll & logistics last mile. Smart City World Congress
Presentation of the document: Modeling the Logistics Sector in Catalonia (English version) - November 13, 2018 / Barcelona, Spain
International Conference in Smart Logistics
- December 18, 2019 / Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona Global Challenge. El reto de sumar para multiplicar: La colaboración público-privada como eje de transformación de Barcelona
Press release - October 28, 2019 / Barcelona, Spain
Press release: Barcelona Global Challenge. El reto de sumar para multiplicar: la
colaboración público-privada como eje de transformación de Barcelona
“El porqué y el cómo de la colaboración público-privada en Barcelona”
In collaboration with

Related Research Centers & Initiatives.
Academic Director.
Academic Director.
Research Fellows.
Research Fellows.

José Azar
Research AssociateEconomics
Policy Research Fellows.
Policy Research Fellows.

Giulio Federico
Member of the Chief Economist Team at the Directorate General for Competition (European Commission)
Research Affiliates.
Research Affiliates.

Daniel Ferrés
Professor, Universidad de Montevideo
Executive Team.
Executive Team.
Vice President

Joaquim Triadú
Vice President
Academic Director

Xavier Vives
Economics and
Financial Management