Center for Business in Society (CBS)
Director: Joan Fontrodona
We are dedicated to corporate social responsibility, contributing to research in this field and working to offer useful answers to the business community.
We are characterized by our international scope, our desire to generate action-oriented knowledge and our multi-disciplinary, integrative approach so as to stimulate dialogue and the exchange of ideas.
- Develop well-founded concepts and arguments as a basis for the positive impact of business activity on society.
- Formulate proposals with conceptual rigor and a practical nature.
- Create corporate cultures that favor human development and sustainability.
- Help to understand the relation between business, society and the environment and inspire management procedures with competitive advantages.
- Encourage business to be governed by the criteria of social responsibility and sustainable development.
- Communicate the importance of ethical conduct and corporate reputation in professional environments and in public opinion, publicizing good practices and problem-solving criteria.
- Promote dialogue between business and its stakeholders, to encourage innovative behavior and responses to societal demands.
Board of Patrons
Jordi Canals, Board of Patrons President
Research lines:
- Sustainability and the balanced scorecard
- Sustainability and senior governing bodies
- Social responsibility and economic value
- Socially responsible investment
- The sustainable company
- Corporate reputation and companies’ social behavior
- Values, codes of conduct, accreditations and ethical-social audits
- Company-stakeholder dialogue for innovation
- Public administration and sustainable companies
- Companies’ ability to create value
- The base of the social pyramid and profitable growth
- The company as a social institution
- Globalization and corporate social responsibility
- Ethics and corporate governance
Journal Articles (refereed)
Journal Articles (refereed)
ROSZKOWSKA, P., MELÉ, D. (2021). Organizational factors in the individual ethical behaviour. The Notion of the "Organizational Moral Structure". Humanistic Management Journal, 6, 187-209. doi:10.1007/s41463-020-00080-z.
MEIER, S., PIERCE, L., VACCARO, A., LA CARA, B. (2016). Trust and In-Group Favoritism in a Culture of Crime. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 132 (A), 78 - 92. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2016.09.005.
Working Papers
Working Papers
MACGREGOR, S. P., FONTRODONA, J. (2008). Exploring the fit between CSR and innovation (DI-759-E).
ARGANDOÑA, A., FONTRODONA, J., PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., GARCÍA-LOMBARDÍA, P. (2008). El perfil emergente del directivo de RSC (Responsabilidad Social Corporativa) (DI-756).
AYUSO, S., RODRÍGUEZ BADAL, M. Á., RICART, J. E. (2006). Using stakeholder dialogue as a source for new ideas. A dynamic capability underlying sustainable innovation (DI-633-E).
RODRÍGUEZ BADAL, M. Á., PONTI, F., AYUSO, S. (2006). The 'sponge' organisation: A creativity-based reflection on the innovative and sustainable firm (DI-616-E).
SÁNCHEZ, P., RODRÍGUEZ BADAL, M. Á., RICART, J. E. (2005). Social embeddedness in low-income markets: Influential factors and positive outcomes (DI-594-E).
VELMER, S., RAMUS, T., VACCARO, A. (2023). Union with diverging goals. How collaboration unfolds if partners are driven by heterogeneous logics. In Academy of Management (Ed.), Academy of Management Proceedings.
MONGELLI, L., RULLANI, F., VACCARO, A., VERSARI, P. (2020). Social business hybrids' diversification. Effects on socioeconomic combined performance. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Articles in other publications
Articles in other publications
VACCARO, A. (2022). Compliance beyond compliance. Managing organizations with integrity. Madrid: Mc-Graw Hill.
MELÉ, D. (2022). Ética Profesional. Ediciones UC - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
DI TRAPANI, P., VACCARO, A. (2016). Addiopizzo: Leveraging Consumers Responsible Purchase to Fight Mafia. Aravaca: McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España.
DI TRAPANI, P., VACCARO, A. (2014). Addiopizzo: La rivoluzione dei consumi contro la mafia. Italia: Arkadia Editore.
ARGANDOÑA, A., FONTRODONA, J., GARCÍA-LOMBARDÍA, P., DIAGEO ESPAÑA S.A. (2009). Libro Blanco del consumo responsable de alcohol en España. Impulsando un cambio de actitudes y patrones de consumo. Barcelona: IESE.
Edited books
Edited books
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
MELÉ, D., FONTRODONA, J. (2021). Ethics and corporate social responsibility. In Poff, Deborah C. ; Michalos, Alex C. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (pp. 1-5). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
MELÉ, D. (2017). Christianity and business ethics. In Poff, D. ; Michalos, C. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
MELÉ, D. (2017). Religion, spirituality and business ethics. In Poff , D. ; Michalos A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
SETOLA, R., ASSENZA, G., VACCARO, A. (2021). Complessità, intelligenza artificiale e infrastrutture critiche. Società Italiana di Intelligence.
FONTRODONA, J., SANZ FERNÁNDEZ, P. (2015). La apuesta del Impact Investing. Invertir contribuyendo a la mejora de la sociedad. IESE.
RICART, J. E., RODRÍGUEZ BADAL, M. Á. (2005). Código de gobierno para la empresa sostenible. Guía para su implantación.
VACCARO, A. (2023). A letter to my former professor. IESE, BE-219-E.
VACCARO, A. (2022). The Vespa "Special" 50 cc (A). Buyer. IESE, NEG-32-E.
VACCARO, A. (2022). The Vespa "Special" 50 cc (B). Seller. IESE, NEG-33-E.
VACCARO, A. (2022). La Vespa Special 50 cc (A). Comprador. IESE, NEG-32.
VACCARO, A. (2022). La Vespa Special 50 cc (B). Vendedor. IESE, NEG-33.
Technical Notes
Technical Notes
GONZÁLEZ-PERALTA, O. (2023). The role of business in society. IESE, BEN-158-E.
FONTRODONA, J. (2023). Preventing slippery slope. IESE, BEN-160-E.
MELÉ, D. (2023). Ética en la toma de decisiones. IESE, BEN-152.
MELÉ, D. (2023). Ethics in business management. IESE, BEN-148-E.
MELÉ, D. (2023). Dealing with corruption: A guide for business managers. IESE, BEN-153-E.