José Ramón
Pin Arboledas
Professor Emeritus of Managing People in Organizations and Business Ethics
• Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
• Master in Business Administration, IESE Business School, University of Navarra
• B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, Universidad de Valencia
• B.A. in Economics, Universitat de Valencia
IRCO - International Research Center on Organizations
José Ramón Pin Arboledas is Professor Emeritus in the Managing People in Organizations and Business Ethics Departments. He was appointed member of the Academic Business Committee of Barna Business School.
He is author of the books “Consistencia: la estrategia de la empresa es la estrategia sobre sus personas” (Financial Times and Prentice Hall, 2007) and “Tsunamis políticos: consejos y reflexiones para empresarios y directivos en su relación con la política” (Eunsa, 2010) and coauthor of “CEO, carrera y sucesión” (Prentice Hall, 2010) with Professor Guido Stein. He has also published numerous scientific and popular articles and collaborates with various media outlets.
Professor Emeritus Pin Arboledas has been a member of the Madrid City Council, a representative of the Madrid regional government and a member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies. He also sits on various Boards of Directors.
His areas of interest include the development of management skills, capacity and careers; the relationship between ethics and management processes; business-government relations; and employee motivation in the new working methods of temporary work and telework.
Areas of interest.
• Development of management skills, abilities and careers
• Relationship between ethics and management processes
• Business-Government relations
• Employee motivation in the new forms of work: temporary work and telework
• Organizational change