José Luis
Professor of Marketing
Intent HQ Chair on Changing Consumer Behavior
• Doctor of Business Administration (Marketing), Harvard University
• MBA, IESE, University of Navarra
• Degree in Law, Universitat de Barcelona
José L. Nueno is a professor in the Marketing Department and Intent HQ Chair on Changing Consumer Behavior at IESE Business School. He holds a PhD in Business Administration (Marketing) from Harvard University, an MBA from IESE and a degree in law from the Universitat de Barcelona. Additionally, he is a numerary member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED) and Advisory Board Member of LBS Africa Retail Academy.
His areas of interest include distribution channels and manufacturer/distributor relationships. He has published articles on globalization, the marketing of consumer and luxury goods and relationship marketing. He has taught at several business schools, including an INSEAD’s elective course on Industrial Marketing. He was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan and has taught on joint programs with the University of Michigan and IESE in Vevey, Switzerland, and Shanghai. Prof. Nueno participates in programs across Latin America, the most recent of which were held at IPADE in Mexico and INCAE in Costa Rica. In 2003 he was part of the faculty team for Harvard Business School’s AMP Middle East Program and the Strategic Program for Retail Managers.
Prof. Nueno has directed sessions for executives in over 100 corporations and has been a speaker at many industry meetings and conferences, including those organized by HSM Expomanagement in Madrid, Buenos Aires and Mexico.
He is the author of a number of articles published in the Sloan Management Review, Business Horizons and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. He has also penned articles on marketing for a variety of academic publications. His most recent books are Consumidor al Filo del Siglo XXI (The Early 21st Century Consumer, 1998), Gestión de Precios (Price Management, 1999), Comunicación al Filo del Siglo XXI (Communication in the Early 21st Century, 1999), ¿Por qué comercia tan poco el comercio electrónico? (Why Does the Electronics Industry Engage in So Little Marketing?, 2000), La Naturaleza del Gasto (The Nature of Spending, 2004), Las Claves de la Innovación (The Keys to Innovation, 2005), El Consumidor Maduro en España (The Mature Consumer in Spain, 2005), Experiencia de Compra (Shopping Experience, 2010), El declive de las calles comerciales y el nacimiento del nuevo modelo multicanal (The Decline of Main Streets and the Birth of the New Multichannel Order, 2013), El regreso del consumidor (The Consumer is Back, 2014), Expectativas en la era de la escasez (Expectations in the Era of Scarcity, 2015), ¿Puede el marketing salvar el mundo? (Can the Marketing Save the World?, 2016), Directo al consumidor. Bienvenidos a 2025. Cuando los Millennials manden (Direct to consumer. Welcome to 2025. When Millennials rule, 2020), Never Normal. La normalidad es la anomalía (Never Normal. Normality is the anomaly, 2022) and Todo es terrible, pero yo estoy bien (Everything is terrible, but I’m fine, 2023).
Prof. Nueno is a member of the board of directors of a number of leading international companies (listed and not listed). He is also a corporate consultant (since 1986 he has worked on behalf of more than 160 global clients on more than 230 projects), and advises national and international corporations in the areas of marketing and strategy.
Areas of interest.
* Brand creation
* Commercial strategies
* Distribution
* Launching new products
* Pricing