
We invest in PEOPLE who have the COURAGE to start

About Finaves

Our values:

  • Commitment
    • We support you in good and bad times
    • We are always available
  • Modesty
    • We ally ourselves with those who know more than us
    • We think that the answers lie within the entrepreneur
  • Growth
    • We start from leadership and self-knowledge
    • We are facilitators of knowledge and experts
  • Community
    • We promote meeting spaces for entrepreneurs
    • We believe in the value of transparent sharing

Our investment thesis:

  • Stage: Seed and Pre-Series A
  • Tickets: €100k - €500k
  • Strategy: Co-investment with other VCs
  • Sector and business model: Agnostic
  • Geography: Spain

Our value proposal:

  • Privileged access to IESE talent: We facilitate direct connections with our extensive network of IESE alumni and faculty, offering startups exclusive access to a pool of diverse, high-quality talent.
  • Comprehensive support without interfering in daily operations: We are committed to providing continuous support to our portfolio companies, offering strategic advice and resources, without imposing our vision on daily operations. We value the autonomy and vision of entrepreneurs.
  • Trusted, transparent and available partner: We strive to be a trusted partner at all stages of the business journey. We act with transparency and honesty in all our interactions, offering frank and direct communication. We are always available to listen and offer guidance, both in times of success and challenge.
  • 25 years of experience, know-how and an invaluable network: With more than two decades of experience investing in startups, we have accumulated a deep knowledge and experience in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our network of contacts, which includes entrepreneurs, advisors and co-investors, is an invaluable source of opportunities and resources for the startups in which we invest. We facilitate access to this network to drive the growth and success of our business partners.

Contact us

Get in touch with us today and tell us everything we need to know about your project. We’ll help turn your dream into a reality.

Send us your pitch deck!


Finaves Team



Finaves is proud of its role in the creation of dozens of companies around the world.

A successful track record


Invested Companies


Jobs created



“Finaves is an entrepreneur-friendly, hands-on investor. Finaves’ pragmatism, entrepreneurial spirit and wide-reaching network were of special importance to Cooltra.”

Timo Bütefisch
Founder Cooltra


"At Ofertia we wanted to complement private investment with public funds. Finaves, as our lead investor in that round, was crucial in achieving this goal.”

Jaume Betrian and Thomas Roggendorf
Co-founders Ofertia


“Finaves, as a partner in Advance Medical, added substantial value to our business through know-how gained from years of experience in the VC sector and through access to its unique network.”

Mark Subirats and Carlos Nueno
Co-founders Advance Medical
