International Center for Work and Family (ICWF)
Director: Mireia Las Heras
We promote corporate family responsibility in business, fostering the corporate leadership, culture, balance and flexibility that facilitate the integration of employees’ work, family and personal lives.
- To encourage an organizational culture focused on people.
- To develop the talent and leadership to facilitate the integration of work, family and personal lives.
- To create policies of balanced and equal opportunities through flexibility and the development of corporate family responsibility.
- To improve the environment in which career paths are developed, so people can lead a balanced work, family and personal life.
- To foster the commitment and satisfaction of workers, increasing business competitiveness and sustainability.
- To investigate, analyze and promote the professional advancement of women to achieve their full potential.
- To encourage public administrations to draft legislation and policies facilitating balance.
Research lines:
- Corporate family responsibility
- Excellence in Leadership
- Inclusiveness in Organizations
- Beyond Compliance
Join us for the 11th International Conference of Work and Family June 30 – July 1, 2025 in Barcelona

María José Bosch
Associate Professor, ESE Business School

Yasin Rofcanin
Associate Professor, University of Bath
Research Assistants.
Research Assistants.

José Pérez
Research Assistant
Journal Articles (refereed)
Journal Articles (refereed)
STOLLBERGER, J., LAS HERAS, M., ROFCANIN, Y. (2022). Sharing is caring. The role of compassionate love for sharing coworker work–family support at home to promote partners’ creativity at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107 (10), 1824-1842. doi:10.1037/apl0000985.
ROFCANIN, Y., LAS HERAS, M., BOSCH, M. J., STOLLBERGER, J., MAYER, M. (2021). How do weekly obtained task i-deals improve work performance?. The role of relational context and structural job resources. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30 (4), 555-565. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2020.1833858.
BÖREKÇI, D., ROFCANIN, Y., LAS HERAS, M., BERBER, A. (2021). Deconstructing Organizational Resilience. A Multiple-Case Study. Journal of Management & Organization, 27 (3), 422-441. doi:10.1017/jmo.2018.72.
Working Papers
Working Papers
CHINCHILLA, N., LEÓN, C., TORRES E., CANELA, M. Á. (2006). Career inhibitors and career enablers for executive women (DI-632-E).
CHINCHILLA, N., LEÓN, C., TORRES E., CANELA, M. Á. (2006). Frenos e impulsores en la trayectoria profesional de las mujeres directivas (DI-632).
CHINCHILLA, N., MORAGAS FREIXA, M. (2013). Masters of Our Destiny. Barañain: Eunsa.
CHINCHILLA, N., MORAGAS FREIXA, M. (2009). Senhores do Nosso Destino. Lisboa: Aletheia Editores.
CHINCHILLA, N., MORAGAS FREIXA, M. (2008). Masters of Our Destiny. Barañain: Eunsa.
Edited books
Edited books
LAS HERAS, M., GRAU GRAU, M., ROFCANIN, Y. (2022). Human Flourishing. A Multidisciplinary perspective on neuroscience, health, organizations and arts. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
GRAU, M., LAS HERAS, M., RILEY BOWLES, H. (2022). Engaged fatherhood for men, families and gender equality. Healthcare, social policy, and work perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
POELMANS, S., GREENHAUS, J., LAS HERAS, M. (2013). Expanding the Boundaries of Work-Family Research. A Vision for the Future. Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
LAS HERAS, M., GRAU, M. (2017). Women in Management in Spain. In Ronald J Burke and Astrid M. Richardsen (Ed.), Women in Management Worldwide: Signs of progress (pp. 78 - 90). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
CHINCHILLA, N., MORAGAS FREIXA, M. (2014). Empresa, familia y sociedad. En Foro Empresarial de la Región de Murcia (Ed.), Humanismo empresarial y calidad directiva (pp. 67 - 75). Murcia: Fundación Educación y Desarrollo.
LAS HERAS, M., CHINCHILLA, N., JIMENEZ, E. (2014). Corporate Family Responsibility. In Dr Jacqui Griffiths (Ed.), Sean Nicklin, Ben Cornwell (Eds.), Family Futures (pp. 163 - 167). Leicester, UK: Tudor Rose.
Non-refereed articles
Non-refereed articles
LAS HERAS, M. (2021). Mejorar nuestro bienestar adoptando una actitud lúdica en el trabajo. Harvard Deusto Business Review (307), pp. 32-33.
CHINCHILLA, N., JIMENEZ, E. (2015). El papel de la mujer en la empresa. Economia Exterior: estudios de la revista Política Exterior sobre la internacionalización de la economía (72), pp. 99 - 105.
CHINCHILLA, N., JIMÉNEZ, E. (2014). Crisis de confianza. Responsabilidad Familiar Corporativa (RFC). Ekos Negocios (240), pp. 32 - 34.
LAS HERAS M., M., GIFRA, J. (2021). Un lugar de trabajo sostenible: hacia un modelo remoto y presencial. IESE.
LAS HERAS M., M., GIFRA, J. (2021). A Sustainable Work Model: Towards Remote and in the Office Work. IESE.
LAS HERAS, M., BARRAZA, M., VEGAS, B. (2020). Mujeres y hombres en trabajo en remoto: Cómo, cuándo y quién. Beneficios para la empresa, la sociedad y las personas.
LAS HERAS, M., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2024). Castellers: el reto de tocar el cielo. IESE, DPOI-10.
LAS HERAS, M., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2024). Castellers: The challenge of touching the sky. IESE, DPOI-10-E.
LAS HERAS, M., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2024). Castellers: The challenge of touching the sky. IESE, DPO-868-E.
Technical Notes
Technical Notes
LAS HERAS, M., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Self-managed organizations. IESE, DPON-365-E.
LAS HERAS, M., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Las empresas autogestionadas. IESE, DPON-365.
LÓPEZ-JURADO, M., JIMENEZ, E., CHINCHILLA, N. (2014). Juan Antonio Pérez López y la dirección de empresas. IESE, DPON-120.