Cities in Motion
Smart Urban Governance: Rising to Challenge
At a time when cities are facing unexpected challenges, our main objective is to create knowledge and innovative tools that generate smarter local governments. This initiative brings together our international network of experts, specialized companies and worldwide local governments.
As people move to the cities in search of new ideas and opportunities, these urban areas are becoming cultural, social and economic global epicenters. Therefore, the smart governance – strategic planning systems, policies, actions, processes and other tools of local governance – has become, more than ever, critical for the creation of sustainable urban ecosystems.
Together, IESE Cities in Motion Strategies and the private sector will play a major role in the development of intelligent local governments that generate more opportunities for citizens.
About Us
IESE Cities in Motion Strategies is a research platform that was launched by the IESE Business School Center for Globalization and Strategy and the IESE Department of Strategy.
The initiative connects a worldwide network of city experts and specialized private companies with local administrations all over the world, with the goal of developing valuable ideas and innovative tools that can generate smarter cities and promote change at the local level.
The mission of the platform is to promote the Cities in Motion Model, that includes an innovative approach to city management, and a new urban model for the 21st century, based on 4 main drivers: sustainable ecosystems, innovative activities, equitability among citiziens and connected territory.
Main strategic lines
Research projects on smart governance

Joan Enric Ricart
Strategic Management

Pascual Berrone
Strategic Management
1- International Benchmark on urban models: will allow us to respond to the question
“Which actions had the best results for cities internationally, in their search for sustainable, equitable, connected and innovative city models?”
- Historical analysis of city models
- International benchmark of best practices (urban model and solutions)
2- Definition of Best practices and design of case studies on city strategic planning: will allow us to categorize types of strategic plans, identify successes and failures, and understand the key success factors
- International benchmark (best practices) on strategic city plans
- Case studies of actual city strategic management
3. Comparative analysis on strategic decision making frameworks in cities worldwide: will allow us to understand how local administrations work today
- Analysis of current state of theoretical knowledge on decision-making processes in cities
- Comparative analysis on decision-making processes in local administrations
- Identification of improvement opportunities
4. Design of an innovative Strategic Planning Framework: will allow cities to improve their strategic planning and city management processes
- Validation of conclusions on improvement opportunities of decision-making processes in city management
- Strategic lines (workshops)
- CIM Strategic Management Framework
5. Design of an international Cities in Motion Index: will allow citizens to understand how their city is performing in terms of sustainability, innovation, connectivity and social cohesion
- Analysis of International City Indexes
- Strategic Lines (workshops)
- CIM International City Index
6. Design of a CIM Management toolkit: will allow city managers to obtain a general idea and follow up on how they are performing, through a balance scorecard that will allow them to improve their decisions
- Analysis of balance scorecards in cities
- Strategic lines (workshops)
- CIM Management Toolkit
Research Publications
- Cities in Motion Index 2019
- Cities in Motion Index 2018
- Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric; Duch T-Figueras, Ana Isabel, “Cities & Social Cohesion: Designing More Inclusive Urban Areas”, CreateSpace, 2017. (IESE Cities in Motion: International Urban Best Practices; Vol. 4).
- Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric; Duch T-Figueras, Ana Isabel, “Cities and the Economy: Fueling Growth, Jobs and Innovation”, CreateSpace, 2017. (IESE Cities in motion: International urban best practices, Vol. 3).
- Cities in Motion Index 2017
- Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric, “La economía colaborativa en las ciudades”, Harvard Deusto Business Review, 2017
- Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric; Carrasco, Carlos, “The Open Kimono: Toward a General Framework for Open Data Initiatives in Cities”, California Management Review, Vol. 59, No. 1, 2016, pp 39 – 70
- Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric; Duch T-Figueras, Ana Isabel, “Cities and Mobility & Transportation: Towards the next generation of urban mobility”, CreateSpace, 2016. (IESE Cities in Motion: International urban best practices; Vol. 2)
- Cities in Motion Index 2016
- Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric; Duch T-Figueras, Ana Isabel, “Cities and the Environment: The challenge of becoming green and sustainable”, CreateSpace, 2016. (IESE CITIES IN MOTION: International urban best practices book series)
- Keeping Up with “Cities in Motion,” the Book Series
- Cities in Motion Index 2015
- Cities in Motion Index. Methodology and Modeling
- Cities in Motion Index 2014 – Presentation
- What City Has the Best Image?, IESE Cities in Motion Strategies
- Implementing Smarter Cities Through Better Governance, World Financial Review
- Smart Cities, Sustainable Progress, IESE Insight
Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric; Blazquez, Maria Luisa, “Málaga: In Search of Its Identity as a Smart City“, IESE, SM-1658-E, 12/2017
Carrasco, Carlos; Ricart, Joan Enric; Berrone, Pascual, “Barcelona: A Roman Village Becoming a Smart City (Abridged)“, IESE, SM-1646-E, 02/2017
Carrasco, Carlos; Ricart, Joan Enric; Berrone, Pascual, “Barcelona: A Roman Village Becoming a Smart City“, IESE, SM-1625-E, 07/2015
Berrone, Pascual; Ricart, Joan Enric; Blázquez, María Luisa, “Vancouver: The Challenge of Becoming the Greenest City“, IESE, SM-1612-E, 06/2014
General Media Articles
- Estas son las seis ciudades españolas más inteligentes, según el índice IESE Cities in Motion, El País
- A Tale of a Smart City, Business & Finance
- ¿Será Madrid la nueva city europea?, El Mundo
- ¿Por qué seguimos hablando de ‘Smart Cities’?, El Periódico de Catalunya
- Valencia está entre las 50 ciudades más sostenibles y con calidad de vida del mundo, Levante
- Ciudades más habitables, Capital
- Tech Plus 2016 Gets Underway in Lagos, Africa Telecom & IT
- As cidades do futuro, Valor Econômico
- Ranking The World’s ‘Smartest’ Cities, Forbes
- Interview with Prof. Pascual Berrone, Cadena Ser
- Tackle affordability issues to help London stay great, Financial Times
- Transversalidad para construir el futuro, El Mundo
- Gobernanza inteligente, El Periódico
- ‘El Mirador’: Barcelona, líder de las ‘smart cities’, La Vanguardia
- Cities Index Ranks London, Tokyo and New York as more sustainable, The Guardian
- The 20 Best Cities on the Planet, Business Insider
- The 10 Smartest Cities in the World, Fast Co.Exist
Other Publications
IESE Alumni Learning Program Session “Gobierno urbano inteligente: Cómo transformar ciudades más allá de la tecnología”
Barcelona, May 17, 2018
Clusters Summer School for Competitiveness of Cities and Regions
Barcelona, May 18-29, 2015
La Ciutat de les Tic: un diàleg Messi sobre ciutat i tecnologia
Barcelona, April 14, 2015
El concepto de ciudades inteligentes. ¿Una nueva forma de vida?
Santiago de Chile, March 17, 2015
Continuous Education Session “Ciudades en movimiento: Estrategia urbana” and presentation of the Cities in Motion Index
Madrid, March 10, 2015
Read more – Cities in Motion Index
Kick-off conference for the GrowSmarter European Project
Stockholm, February 10, 2015
Read more – Image
Smart Cities: Apps and Opendata
Barcelona, March 4, 2014
Continuous Education Session “Cities in Motion: Urban Strategy” and Presentation of the CIM Index
Barcelona, February 18, 2014
Read more – Cities in Motion Index
4th Global Energy Day
Barcelona, January 29, 2014
2nd Cities in Motion Think Tank: Smart Cities using Big Data
Barcelona, November 20, 2013
Visit of the Chongqing City Planning Society
Barcelona, June 26, 2013
19th Telecom, Digital Media and Information Society Industry Meeting – A Whole New World: The Revolution of Big Data
Madrid, June 11, 2013
Read more
Cities in Motion Think Tank: Urban Strategy
Barcelona, January 30, 2013